How to control anger ?


Today we are going to talk about anger, everyone knows that anger is the biggest weapon to destroy oneself and almost all people get angry but the most important thing is why is anger ? 

The biggest reason for getting angry is jealousy or jealousy, so first of all talk about anger.

What is anger  ?

Anger is an emotion that causes us to lose control and we forget the difference between right and wrong and due to anger, we are unable to control our thinking power.

Why anger is come ?

Anger comes due to many reasons like : -

1 - When we don't like anyone's talk.

2 - When another person makes fun of us and shows us down.

3 - When we go through a difficult situation.

4 - When we have a fight with someone.

5 - When there is pressure of work on us and when someone irritates us again and again, we get angry because of these reasons too.

What is side effect of anger ?

1 - When we get angry, first of all we lose the ability to think and we become violent and after that we forget the difference between right and wrong and inadvertently we take such a decision which has a bad effect on our real life.

2 - Being more angry can lead to health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, weak immune system, hypertension.

So let going to talk about some techniques to control anger : -

1 - Meditation

Meditation is the best way to control anger because meditation we can calm our inner turmoil and by meditation we can  control ourselves and when we know how to  control ourselves then we can control our anger.

2 - Listen to music 

When you feel angry, you listen to your favorite music at that time because when you listen to the song, at that time your mind gets lost in the music and you feel relaxed and then your mind becomes calm.

3 - Read good book 

If you want to control anger, then every day you have to read good stories where you have to learn how to be positive in life.

4 - Drink a glass of water 

When you are angry then you have to take a deep breath and drink a glass of normal water. By doing this your anger becomes normal and it is  scientific proven.

5 - Get proper sleep 

Tiredness and tension in your body can cause stress, tension and agitation in the mind. Getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep every day is necessary to reduce anger as it is suitable for the body as well as the mind. Rest ensures that a good sleep reduces your chances of anger.

6 - Take deep breaths 

Taking deep breaths will help you to get rid of anger immediately. The moment you are angry, close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Observe the change in your state of mind. Deep breath relieves stress and helps to calm your mind.

7 - Watch comedy videos 

Whenever you get more angry, then you should watch a comedy video that you like because it will calm your inner anger.

8 - Repeated a few words 

Always be positive and say that life is very beautiful, I am very lucky that I have got this life. Keep repeating these words again and again, whenever you are angry.

9 - Remember the good moment

Whenever you are angry, close both your eyes and remember the good moments that made you happy, believe me your anger will calm down in 1 minute.

10 - Count up to 10 

When you feel that you are angry, first of all, calm down and take a deep breath instead of reacting. This will help you to control your anger and one thing that I am going to say to you, may be childish to you and that is to count to 10. This will give you some time to think and understand.
